Big Day Today. Decided to kick off the year strong and go for DHT #75 (Complete 21 Challenges From the DHT 2021 Annual List, IAD). Up in Jersey we just got about 1.5 feet of snow dumped on us so I decided to keep things in the house.
DHT #11 (Hold a plank for 21 Seconds)
Nice and easy to warm up.
DHT #12 (Complete 21 Push-Ups from your knees IaMi)
Did these from my toes. Nice warmup
DHT #13 (Hold your breath for 60 seconds)
I'd like to give a shoutout to Wim Hof. Held for 1:11 seconds without any issues. This was very hard for me last year and it was nice to finish it with more ease this year.
DHT #184 (Get undressed using no hands)
This was one of the hardest challenges of the day that I completed. Incredibly difficult due to outfit choices as well. Had some snug athletic pants that were very stretchy and thus foiled my plan of using my teeth. Ended up doing some half handstands and using the walls and floor but mission accomplished.
DHT #14 (Throw and catch with non-dominant hand 21 times, IAR)
I played catch with myself. Wasn't too difficult so I threw in a behind-the-back at the end. Took a couple tries to land the last throw so I did a couple extra throws and catches (good practice).
DHT #16 (Hang from something FaMi)
Haven't climbed in a few weeks so this was pretty rough. Still got this first try but the forearms were very pumped.
DHT #20 (Hang from something with your chin above your hands for 21 seconds)
Again, having not climbed in a while, this was a pretty big strain. Was aching at the end.
DHT #21 (Complete 21 tricep extensions)
Used some resistance bands with handles for these. Been doing this variation at home since it works out with my little hook and hangboard set-up. Didn't think this was going to be that far but I think I extended too far from the door. Faces at the end say it all lol.
DHT #24 (Complete 210 Pushups IAD)
Cranked out 10 pushups everytime I walked in or out of my room all day. Mixed things up between the ground and paralettes. Video is the final 10 right after dinner.
DHT #102 (Complete 21 Assisted PullUps IAY)
Not too bad. I think this one should be in a half hour or less.
DHT #209 (Look up an event from 1921 and read about it)
I read about the evolution of radio across the world in 1921. Several major US sporting leagues including baseball and football had their first radio broadcasts in 1921.
DHT #191 (Read at least 210 words about a place you've never been)
I read about the trails in Petrified Forest NP in Arizona. Just added it as a stop on my XC roadtrip later this year. Excited to explore after this research.
DHT #203 (Ask someone out on a date)
Asked my girlfriend on a date over facetime. I didn't get to see her today because the roads were so bad but she agreed to go on an ice cream date tomorrow AND agreed to join and try DHT this year!
DHT #185 (Do something blindfolded for 2 minutes and 10 seconds)
I sat down, listened to music and stretched out my wrists, fingers, and hands for a few minutes. Very interesting listening to music without any visuals. Took a picture in my chair (headphones on under the buff)
DHT #179 (Sit still for 2 minutes and 21 seconds)
This was much needed today. Sat pretzel style in my room and relaxed during a long day at work.
DHT #174 (Look up what happened on your birthday in 1921)
See post from earlier today on the FB group! José Raúl Capablanca of Cuba won the World Chess Championship, held in Havana, Cuba on April 28, 1921.
DHT #173 (Complete a challenge with another DHT member on Zoom or similar platform)
See post from earlier today on the FB group! Did DHT 174 with Aristotle today on a video chat.
DHT #210 (Stick a DHT sticker in a legal, appropriate place and post a picture on Insta or FB #DHTChallenge)
See post from earlier today on the FB group! Stuck one on my laptop. Will be sticking some up in legal and public places in the coming weeks and posting #StayTuned
DHT #205 (Massage your own feet for 21 minutes or more)
Much needed after 30 miles of running this weekend.
DHT #104 (Stretch for 21 Minutes)
Much needed after 30 miles of running this weekend.
DHT #154 (Meditate for 21 Minutes)
A nightcap before bed.
****Having trouble uploading some videos. Will be looking into it and either posting a followup update or editing this one.*****
Looking forward to crushing more challenges in the coming days, weeks, and months.
January and February are great months to start planning out some of the longer-term challenges!
Woohoo! Great start! And so fun to see your videos!!!
Love this! Nice start!