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The DHT 2020 Challenge List

The 2020 Challenge list is broken into the categories of FITNESS, SOCIAL/MENTAL/SKILL & LIFE EXPERIENCE Challenges.  In actuality many of the fitness experiences on this list will challenge not only your body but your mind and your ability to navigate social situations.  In addition, Mental/Skill challenges may have a physical component.  No life experience occurs in one dimension.  Your human experience happens in your body, mind and your heart simultaneously, whether you are aware of it or not.  We encourage you to be aware.  Each aspect of yourself is in constant relationship and action with every other aspect of yourself.   The more mindful you are of this the more choice and opportunity you have around your learning and our growth. 




How to use the list:


  • Download the list as a PDF, Excel or both.

  • Make sure you join (become a member - no cost) and our newsletter so you get updates about the list, challenge day events, and challenge swag.

  • Tell others about your goals and invite others to start working on the challenges with you.

  • Let us know if you want us to set you up with an accountability buddy.  Eventually we will have a way to do that online - right now - we will provide the connection.

  • Start working on your challenges.

  • Track your challenges on your excel sheet or PDF.  Post your challenges on your member profile. 

  • Earn member badges for 20, 40, 80, & 160, 220 challenges completed.

  • Post your experiences in the DHT Forum and on instagram (or facebook) @dhtchallenge.

  • Host a "challenge day" in your community (gym, neighborhood, workplace).  If you invite us we may be able to join and facilitate.  





We look forward to hearing about the adventures these challenges take you.  Remember - although the result may make you famous (or in-famous) it's the journey which makes you interesting and stronger.  Please share your journey in our forum and on social media (@dhtchallenge on instagram)!

fitness challenges

In a gyM

These are challenges which require equipment you will find in a gym, such as cardio equipment, climbing walls, weights, etc..



BPM = Beats Per Minute

IAY = In A Year, or The year

DHT = Do Hard Things

IASS = In a Single Session

FAD=For a day

KBs= Kettle Bells

FAW=For a week

NIAD = Nose In A Day

FAMo=For a month

NTY= New To You

FAMi=For a minute

OPD=Once per day

HR = Heart Rate

PR=Personal Record

IAH = In An Hour

TTB=Toes To Bar

IAHH = In Half an Hour

SOS=See Our Style sheet

IAD = In A Day

WOD= Work Out of the Day

IAW = In A Week

IAR = In A Row



BPM = Beats Per Minute

IAY = In A Year, or The year

DHT = Do Hard Things

IASS = In a Single Session

FAD=For a day

KBs= Kettle Bells

FAW=For a week

NIAD = Nose In A Day

FAMo=For a month

NTY= New To You

FAMi=For a minute

OPD=Once per day

HR = Heart Rate

PR=Personal Record

IAH = In An Hour

TTB=Toes To Bar

IAHH = In Half an Hour

SOS=See Our Style sheet

IAD = In A Day

WOD= Work Out of the Day

IAW = In A Week

IAR = In A Row

  • Complete 10 rounds, IAH: 20 box jumps 20% or more your height 20 military arm presses with 20% body weight or more.

  • Do at least 20 of each: Burpees, Push-Ups, Pull-Ups, Squats with 20lbs, Box Jumps at least 20 inches, Do at least 220 reps,IAHh

  • Complete 220 lunges, core exercises, push-ups (knees or hands), and 22 pull-ups, IAH

  • 20lbs total or 20lbs each hand: 220 kettlebell swings, 22 Standing Flys, 22 standing rows, 22 squats

  • Complete 2020 meters on a rower, IAH.

  • Jump rope for 2 minutes and 20 seconds continuosly.

  • Complete 200 calories on 2 machines, IAD

  • Burn 2020 calories on any combination of cardio machines, IAD.

  • Climb 20X up a rope.(hemp or similar, typically 15ft high) IAD

  • Complete 220 Kettle Bell swings with 20% of your body weight IAD.

  • Lift 2,020,000 lbs IAMo

  • Bowl a 220 or higher.

  • Take one cycling class and one other fitness class IAW

  • Swim 20 km IAMo

  • Take a fitness class from 20 different instructors

  • Take a martial arts class.

  • Visit and workout at 20 different gyms on 20 different days. IAMo

  • Take a yoga class every day (online qualifies) FAW

  • Determine your current Single Max Squat today, record and save. When ready (after training, etc..) Lift 20% more than your previous max sqaut.

  • Take a fitness class somewhere you've never been before.

  • Boulder 20 V2's (don't have to be unique), IAHh

  • Boulder a PR grade (Life time or last 5 years)

  • 20 unique boulder problems, IAHh.

  • Do 22 different boulder problems in a 1/2 hour, IAHh

  • Do 3 Boulder problems, IAmi

  • Complete 220 Unique boulder problems IAD

  • Boulder a rating you have never been able to boulder before (or in last 5 years)

  • Compete in an organized climbing competition.

  • Rope climb up and down a wall at least 30 feet high. IAmi

  • Climb twice to the top of a climbing wall, one hand behind your back. (L n R)

  • Climb twice to the top of a climbing wall, with one foot only. (L n R)

  • Climb 2020 feet IAW.

  • Throw and catch with non dominant hand 220 times.

  • Complete 220 Climbing pitches IAD (28ft wall or higher)

  • Climb PR grade, (lifetime or last 5 years) inside or out.

  • Both partners blindfolded, climb to the top of 3 different climbing walls (using 3 different ropes). Finding the ropes, tieing in, checking belay, etc…

  • Redpoint (rope climbing), without falling, a letter grade you have not been able to climb in the last 5 years or ever.

  • Onsight Flash (rope climbing) without falling, a letter grade you have not been able to onsight climb in the last 5 years or ever.

  • Run, Bike, Climb, Swim, Take a Fitness Class, Lift Weights, plus one more outdoor activity IAD

at home or anywhere

These are challenges which don't require any equipment, and there-fore could be done anywhere.

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.



BPM = Beats Per Minute

IAY = In A Year, or The year

DHT = Do Hard Things

IASS = In a Single Session

FAD=For a day

KBs= Kettle Bells

FAW=For a week

NIAD = Nose In A Day

FAMo=For a month

NTY= New To You

FAMi=For a minute

OPD=Once per day

HR = Heart Rate

PR=Personal Record

IAH = In An Hour

TTB=Toes To Bar

IAHH = In Half an Hour

SOS=See Our Style sheet

IAD = In A Day

WOD= Work Out of the Day

IAW = In A Week

IAR = In A Row

  • Do 20 pushups from your feet, IAR, IAmi

  • Do 20 consequtive jump ropes, IAR, IAmi

  • Hold breath 60 seconds

  • Hand stand walk 20 feet.

  • Complete 20 Burpees, IAmi

  • Hold Tree pose FAMi

  • Complete 2 push ups from your knees, IAR

  • Do a pull-up.

  • Complete 20 Air Sqauts, IAmi

  • Complete 20 Box Jumps at 20% your height or more, IAmi

  • Hold a plank from elbows or hands, IAmi

  • Complete 5 reps of 4 different push-ups, IAmi

  • Hang from bar FAMi

  • Hang in a chin-up FAMi

  • Hang from right hand, from bar, FAMi

  • Hang from left hand, from bar, FAMi

  • Complete 22 reps of 20 core exercise x 2, IAH

  • Complete 220 Burpees, IAH

  • 20 Yoga Poses for 20 seconds each.

  • 200 Air Sqauts every day, FAW.

  • Run a mile faster than your PR or in the last 5 years.

  • Train 2 days a week for 20 weeks strait.

  • Complete 2020 pull-ups, IAY.

  • Do 200 push-ups IAD.

  • Do 20 cartwheels in a row, each side.

  • Hold a plank for 220 seconds.

  • Walk 10,000 steps a day for 20 days strait.

  • Throw and catch with non dominant hand 220 times.

  • Stand on left foot for 2 minutes, then right foot.

  • Complete 10 rounds, IAH: 5 handstand push-ups (feet can be up against wall) 5 pistol squats, each leg 5 pull-ups

  • Complete 10 rounds, IAH: 5 inverted push-ups (feet can rest anywhere above head)10 lunges each leg alternating, 5 assisted pull-ups or jump ups.

outside inside, gym, Etc.  a mix of things we added late.

These are challenges which require you to get outside and...perhaps...get dirty.

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.



BPM = Beats Per Minute

IAY = In A Year, or The year

DHT = Do Hard Things

IASS = In a Single Session

FAD=For a day

KBs= Kettle Bells

FAW=For a week

NIAD = Nose In A Day

FAMo=For a month

NTY= New To You

FAMi=For a minute

OPD=Once per day

HR = Heart Rate

PR=Personal Record

IAH = In An Hour

TTB=Toes To Bar

IAHH = In Half an Hour

SOS=See Our Style sheet

IAD = In A Day

WOD= Work Out of the Day

IAW = In A Week

IAR = In A Row

  • Determine your current Single Max Squat today, record and save. When ready (after training, etc..) Lift 20% more than your previous max sqaut.

  • Take a fitness class somewhere you've never been before.

  • Boulder 20 V2's (don't have to be unique), IAHh

  • Boulder a PR grade (Life time or last 5 years)

  • 20 unique boulder problems, IAHh.

  • Do 22 different boulder problems in a 1/2 hour, IAHh

  • Do 3 Boulder problems, IAmi

  • Complete 220 Unique boulder problems IAD

  • Boulder a rating you have never been able to boulder before (or in last 5 years)

  • Compete in an organized climbing competition.

  • Rope climb up and down a wall at least 30 feet high. IAmi

  • Climb twice to the top of a climbing wall, one hand behind your back. (L n R)

  • Climb twice to the top of a climbing wall, with one foot only. (L n R)

  • Climb 2020 feet IAW.

  • Throw and catch with non dominant hand 220 times.

  • Complete 220 Climbing pitches IAD (28ft wall or higher)

  • Climb PR grade, (lifetime or last 5 years) inside or out.

  • Both partners blindfolded, climb to the top of 3 different climbing walls (using 3 different ropes). Finding the ropes, tieing in, checking belay, etc…

  • Redpoint (rope climbing), without falling, a letter grade you have not been able to climb in the last 5 years or ever.

  • Onsight Flash (rope climbing) without falling, a letter grade you have not been able to onsight climb in the last 5 years or ever.

  • Complete an organized human powered race.

  • Bike 20 miles, IAD.

  • XC or BC ski 20 miles or more.

  • Climb 2020 feet outside. IAMo

  • Climb somewhere outside you haven't climbed before.

  • Climb a 2 or more pitch route outside IAD

  • Climb a 20 or more pitch route.

  • Climb outside

  • Bike 200 miles IAMo

  • Lead and be lead by a partner, blindfolded, on a trail for 20 minutes each.

  • Complete 10 twice double unders or 220 jumps in a row.

  • Pick up 2020 pieces of trash

  • Host/Coordinate a DHT Challenge Day in your community

  • Mountain bike 20+ miles on trails NTY, IAW

  • Complete a multiday human powered race. IAW

  • Run/Speed Walk 20 minutes a day 20 days or more IAMo

  • Run/Speed Walk 20 minutes a day 20 days or more IAMo

  • XC or BC 200 miles or more IAMo

  • Travel to a country you have never been before.

  • Shoot a bow and arrow 20 times.

  • Complete 2020 Human Powered Miles (can be combined, i.e. walking, biking, XC skiing, swimming, etc...)

  • Outdoor adventure with 20 people you have never adventured with before (can be done together or seperately)

  • Complete 2020 Human Powered Miles (can be combined, i.e. walking, biking, XC skiing, swimming, etc...)

  • Acsend 2 peaks 10,100 ft or higher, with at least 2,020 ft human powered. Doesn't matter how long between ascents.

  • Complete via human powered travel: 2 miles on a water craft, 20 miles on a bike, 20 miles on foot, 20 miles on skis or snow shoes.

  • Mountain bike 20+ miles on trails you have never been before. Minimum length on any one trail 5 miles. IAW

  • Take 20 steps along a straight line on the ground, then 20 backwards on the same line.

  • Slide 200 ft. On: grass, glisade on snow, sand dune, playground slide, railing(s), other.

  • Climb five different grades, four times each IAH.

  • Climb for 20 minutes without touching the ground.

  • Climb 20 different 5.10s in an hour.

  • Run 2 miles in 20 minutes or less.

  • Complete any two boulder problems with your right hand only, then left. Four ascents. (use both feet)

  • Walk 2 miles backwards.

  • Complete 5 tabatas,(4 minutes each), with five different exercises, then repeat. Take one minute break between each.

  • Squat 2020 KGs in 20 minutes.

  • Every minute for 30 minutes do the following, in any order: one pull-up, one push-up, one squat, one lunge each leg, one crunch, one back extension / Wonder Woman. (for a challenge try two or three reps)

Social/MENTAL/EMOTIONAL/skill challenges

Social, Mind & Heart

These are challenges which build mental and emotional resiliency and skill and which also nourish your heart.



BPM = Beats Per Minute

IAY = In A Year, or The year

DHT = Do Hard Things

IASS = In a Single Session

FAD=For a day

KBs= Kettle Bells

FAW=For a week

NIAD = Nose In A Day

FAMo=For a month

NTY= New To You

FAMi=For a minute

OPD=Once per day

HR = Heart Rate

PR=Personal Record

IAH = In An Hour

TTB=Toes To Bar

IAHH = In Half an Hour

SOS=See Our Style sheet

IAD = In A Day

WOD= Work Out of the Day

IAW = In A Week

IAR = In A Row

  • Read 2 books (audio ok) IAMo

  • Sit in a cold stream for 2 minutes.

  • Become a member of

  • Read 20 books (audio ok)

  • Meditate for 20 minutes.

  • Get a certification

  • Speak in front of 20 people or more.

  • Leave your phone off and at home for 22 hours

  • Go carless FAW

  • Sleep with head where your feet go for two nights IAR.

  • Arrive 10 minutes early for every appointment, FAW.

  • Speak in front of 2020 people or more.(all at once or IAY)

  • Become proficient at an instument, NTY.

  • Journal for 20 minutes a day for at least 20 days IAMo

  • Tell 3 people in your life what you appreciate about them.

  • Ask 20 people a way you can make their lives wonderful. IAW

  • Meet 2 new people with similar interests or hobbies. IAMo

  • Teach someone a new skill.

  • Twice per day, notice something wonderful about 2 people and share with them what you notice, every dday FAW.

  • Make a list of 20 people you love and talk with each of them at least twice via phone or in person. IAMo

  • Meet and learn about 2 people who have a hobby/interest/job you have never heard or thought of. IAMo

  • Pick someone you value in your life and commit to talking to them at least once a week for 20 weeks.

  • Hold the door open for 20 people IAD. Greet them with a smile as you hold the door open.

  • Attend a service of a religion or organization that is not your within your belief system or which you have not attended before.

  • Do 1 random act of kindness oer day without telling anybody about it, 20 days IAMo

  • Meditate 5 minutes every morning before breakfast and before looking at any digital device. FAMo

  • Learn how to say "I love you" and "Doing hard things makes you strong." in sign language. Make a video of you signing, post on, and tag on dhtchallenge on social media.

  • Think of something someone did which you felt angry about. Write down a story of what might have happened to them before they got angry which, when you think of that story, makes you feel compassion rather than anger when thinking about what they did. See "Style/rule sheet" for more info.

  • Meet 2020 new people,make a list of their names, where you met them, and something interesting (to you) about them.

  • Collect $20.20 from strangers and give it away to strangers.

  • Trade an item for something. Do this 20 times, trading "up" and post your trades on Insta or FB Tag #DHTChallenge.

  • Stick a DHT sticker in a legal, appropriate place and post a picture on Insta or FB, #DHTChallenge.

  • Wave to 20 people you don't know and smile IAD.

  • Greet 20 people with words from a language(s) other than your native language.

  • Do not get in a vehicle for 48 hours.

  • Sing at a Kareoke place.

  • Order a drink that you have never had before.(and drink it)

  • Give a packaged food item to someone that is asking for help.

  • Massage someone's forearms and hands for 22 minutes.

  • Sit in a seat on a plane, train, or bus that you would normally not choose to sit in.

  • Ask to take on a new task at work.

  • Use no electronic devices for 20 hours a day for a week.

  • 20 times In A Row when you communicate to anyone you love, tell them that you love them.

life experience challenges

life stuff

These are challenge experiences which are a special treat for your mind, body and soul.  Share with friends and alone - notice the difference.

  • Visit 20 states.

  • Go see the Northern Lights.

  • Host Hans & Liesbet in your home.

  • Drink only water (water as your only beverage) FAW

  • Sleep with head where your feet go for two nights IAR.

  • Eat FAW with chopsticks.

  • Volunteer for 20 hrs in a non-profit organizations/communities

  • Give 2 hours toward any candidate for congress

  • VOTE in a local election and in a national election.

  • Pay all debts and be dept free for a month. (mortgage OK)

  • Get nude at a nude beach, hot springs, similar.

  • Spend an hour outside everyday. Spend 5 minutes staring at the sky. Spend 5 minutes, eyes closed, listening to sounds far and near. FAW

  • Cook and deliver pre-cooked meals to 2 families in need (you and they determine need) IAW

  • Cook and eat one meal at home. Give thanks before eating. No electronics while cooking or eating. Prepare one thing NTY each meal. FAW

  • Don't use any electric/battery/mechanical lights in your house FAD 2x IAW. Fire light ok.

  • Open an investment account (if you don't have one already). Invest $2020 (by the end of the year).

  • Post 20 pictures of you doing something cool and "hard for you" on social media, tagging DHT. Send us the picture

  • Complete 20 DHT 20 Challenge Day Challenge Lists

  • Do any one week challenge 4x IAMo

  • Do any one day challenge everyday FAM

  • Complete 1 DHT 20 in an day challenge list, IAH

  • Complete 1 DHT 20 Challenge Day List

  • Complete 20 Challenges in 1/2 the regular time alloted.

  • Complete 50 Challenges from the DHT 2020 annual list, IAD

  • Complete 100 challenges from the DHTChallenge 2020 annual list, IAD

  • Sleep/Camp more than 2 miles from a trail head.

  • Only fluid intake for two days. (no chunks.)

  • Only savory foods for 3 days.

  • No cooked food for 2 days.

  • Use the opposite hand for your phone for a week.

  • Use the opposite hand for brushing your teeth for a week.

  • Tie your shoes a different way for a week.

  • Brush your teeth with non-dominant hand for a week.

  • Brush/comb your hair with your non-dominant hand for a week.

  • Purchase and eat a can of food that you've never had before.

  • Purchase and eat something from the produce area of the market that you've never had before.

  • Find four items in your closet you have not worn, or only worn once. - Wear them or donate to someone or group.

  • Wear your watch on your other wrist for a week. 

  • While dining/eating, hold utensils for eating in your non-dominant hand for a week.

  • Ride a bike to a place to eat.

  • Eat something pickled that's not a cucumber.

  • Call someone during a weekend or holiday, and just say that you appreciate that they are in your life. (let conversation go from there.)

  • Memorize and recite to someone 220 words from a: book, lyric sheet, article, pamphlet, or other written document.

  • While outside, stand still, name to yourself: three sounds you hear, three smells, and three things moving that are not making a sound or smell.

  • Listen to two songs that were performed before 1960.

  • Watch a movie that came out before 1960.

  • Watch a movie longer than an hour while moving on a cardio machine.

  • Take a class at a location you haven't taken a class at, and learn 2 people's names at the class.

  • Count your steps on the next walk you do, until you reach 2020

  • Send Liesbet and Hans a challenge to do that is not on the list. 



BPM = Beats Per Minute

IAY = In A Year, or The year

DHT = Do Hard Things

IASS = In a Single Session

FAD=For a day

KBs= Kettle Bells

FAW=For a week

NIAD = Nose In A Day

FAMo=For a month

NTY= New To You

FAMi=For a minute

OPD=Once per day

HR = Heart Rate

PR=Personal Record

IAH = In An Hour

TTB=Toes To Bar

IAHH = In Half an Hour

SOS=See Our Style sheet

IAD = In A Day

WOD= Work Out of the Day

IAW = In A Week

IAR = In A Row

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