We challenge you to do hard things every day.
Doing Hard Things throughout your life keeps you strong, resilient, and fulfilled. DHT Challenge is home of the DHT Challenge Lists and a community of people who value adventure, variety, authentic connection and life long growth.
Register NOW to Join the 2025 Challenge
There is no cost to join or participate - but there are lots of rewards.
Registering makes you a part of the community. It also gets you on our group tracking sheet. Each participant is given their own sheet to track their challenges. The leader sheet gathers everyone's total so you can see where you are compared to others. Teams also have their own sheet and can track their progress compared to other teams.
"I can do things you cannot. You can do things I cannot. Together we do great things." Mother Theresa
You want to live the best life possible. So do we.
That's why you are committed to a life of challenge and growth. So are we.
You don't shy away doing hard things. Neither do we.
You know you grow stronger and more capable when you lean into discomfort and difficulty.We are with you.
We believe happiness lies in finding joy and satisfaction in whatever you do, no matter how easy or hard. It's not what you are doing but how you do it that matters. We are creating a community dedicated to living powerfully and joyfully by embracing, welcoming and even inviting in life's challenges and turning them into opportunities for growth.. We are here to support you by connecting you to others pursuing excellence through daily, yearly and lifelong challenges, by traveling at your side as your DHT Coach and by inspiring your local community with DHT events and talks.
Check out just a few of the 2021 challenge accomplishments!
7 people completed 2021 human powered miles IAY. WOOHOO!!! It’s highly possible more than 7 did this, but tracking it is HARD.
I was stunned to see that despite being HARD, 8 people completed 2021 pull-ups IAY in the DHT community last year.
11 people did 2021 push-ups IAY.
4 people did 2021 Kettle Bell Swings IAY.
7 people did 2021 Kegel exercises IAY. (can’t you do these sitting on a plane?!)
9 people did 2021 core exercises IAW.
10 people did 2021 Jumping Jacks IAY.
NO ONE did 2021 Handstands IAY.
8 people rowed 2021 meters IAHh.
12 people burned 2021 calories IAD! (probably more did but didn’t track it)
5 people lifted 202,100 KGs IAY
At least 16 people ran at least one errand with their bike.
26 people looked up what happened on their birthday in 1921! While only 22 people ticked off #179 which was to sit still for 2 minutes and 21 seconds. Guess that one was TOO HARD for some.
11 people waved to 21 strangers and smiled. I bet those 231 waves made a number of people’s day. :).
Collectively we picked up over 14,147 pieces of trash, meditated for over 315 minutes. and sent over 210 hand written letters/cards. It makes me happy just thinking of the joy that brought to at least 210 receivers!
Our challengers also set personal challenges. Here are a some they completed
Completed a month of Monkii "Lifehacker" workouts
Donated 21 things.
Met 21 neighbors.
Built an igloo and slept in it.
Rode every street in Apple Valley.
Joined SAR and participated in 80% of the missions and all training dates.
Wrote for 7 minutes a day for 344 days.
Created a personalized gift from scratch for 5 different people.
Read 21 poems.
Attempted to solve the NYT crosswords 21 days in a row; spending at least 21 minutes on the puzzle.
Wrote a personal mission statement
Did 5 science experiments
Repaired a relationship with someone
Cleaned your basement and upstairs storage area.
Fundraised $480 for Wildland Firefighter Foundation with 4x4x48
Memorized 3 Hamilton songs including all of the rap portions
Visited all 28 Santa Clara County parks.
“Only as a warrior can one withstand the path of knowledge. A warrior cannot complain or regret anything. His life is an endless challenge, and challenges cannot possibly be good or bad. Challenges are simply challenges.” Carlos Castaneda
Hans Florine, world champion rock climber, founder of Do-Hard-Things.com and the DHT Challenge lists has a background in competitive sports, from high school to professional, and a Bachelors of Science in Operations Management.
Whether on the cliff or in the office, Hans has been creating "hard" challenges for himself all his life believing that by doing so he increases his ability to respond with strength, agility and skill when life throws the inevitable surprise challenges in his path.
Life's challenges provide everyone the potential to grow. Some challenges advantage the young, some the old, some the small, some the large, some the naive, some the wise, some the introvert, some the extrovert.
When you intentionally challenge yourself by doing hard things, you get to decide what area of your life you want to grow and then pick the challenges which will support your growth.
We are excited to have you explore Do-Hard-Things.com. We invite you to join our DHT community, Challenge Yourself, Challenge Others, and use our services as a resource for your personal and professional growth...and remember...
"The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering." Bruce Lee
"The Secret of getting ahead is getting started."
Mark Twain

Create, Connect, Collaborate
Register on the DHT website as a member. There is no cost to joining. Being a registered member gives you access to challenge events, communications, and completes challenge #2 on the 2021 Challenge list
It's up to all of us to create the DHT Community. In our DHT Forum you can find your stoke, get support, challenge yourself and challenge others.