VERY IMPORTANT reminder to everyone about doubling up. PLEASE, especially if you are in the top numbers of our challenge (you are role models) don't double count activities for challenges. When in question, chose the harder route and/or ask us.
Examples of doubling up include: if you do 10 challenges for #dhtchallenge81 you have to do 10 challenges total to mark that ONE challenge done. Those challenges only count toward the completion of #81. You can't also mark them complete. You have to do them AGAIN to mark them complete. Same goes for #dhtchallenge82.
Another example: #dhthchallenge73. Don't count calories you burned while doing another challenge. If you burn 2021 calories doing challenge #78 you can't count them for #73. That would be doubling up. In order to mark challenge #73 you should burn 2021 calories while being active (not just eating and breathing) but not while completing any other challenges.
One more example: If you are checking off challenge #129 (spend a full day in motion) you WILL NOT be able to check off any other challenges which involve you being in motion.
There are many challenges this applies to.
Does this make sense? We suspect some of you may have inadvertently doubled up on challenges. No worries, just make the corrections if you did. If there is any chance you did double count or anything similar or if you think you might have, please check with us and we will clarify for you. THANKS FOR HELPING US HELP THE COMMUNITY and keep us all playing the same game (or mostly...).
Yes! Thanks for clarifying Liesbet. Wouldn't want to cheat anyone out of doing some fun 10 or 21 challenges twice. See y'all out there.