asking for some help on what the three letter words mean on each of the challenges. LAMi, IAD, NYT,FAW,BYE,WEIHFY, IASS,IAR,
Welcome! The acronyms are at the very bottom of the tally sheet, but I've also copied them here:
BPM = Beats Per Minute
BYE = By Year End
DHT = Do Hard Things
IASS = In a Single Session
FAD=For a day
KBs= Kettle Bells
FAW=For a week
NIAD = Nose In A Day
FAMo=For a month
NTY= New To You
FAMi=For a minute
OPD=Once per day
HR = Heart Rate
PR=Personal Record
IAH = In An Hour
TTB=Toes To Bar
IAHH = In Half an Hour
SOS=See Our Style sheet
IAD = In A Day
WOD= Work Out of the Day
IAW = In A Week
WEIHFY=What Ever Is Hard For You
IAR = In A Row
CCC= Commit, Complete, Celebrate. or Challenge, Commence, Cross-it-off
IAM = In A Month